Tuesday, May 18, 2010


I feel like writing something but have nothing to write. So am writing this for the sake of satisfying that feeling. Heh

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

6/6/2010 = Wedding!

6th June 2010 wedding...tp bukan wedding aku..hehe..wedding bakal abg ipar aku! (confirm2 je~). nervous nye...nk tau knp?

family bf aku ajak family aku dtg..aritu ks kad..hurm 1st time family jumpe family. before ni bf aku jumpe family aku and aku jumpe family die. xpnah plak family jumpe family. igtkn time convo nnt nk ks jumpe kenal2. tgk2 terawal la pulak. tp tarikh yg same abg sedare ku tunang. so mama ckp insyaAllah dtg wedding tu kalao majlis abg sedare tu abes awal. hurm maknanye aku pn x tentu la dtg gak wedding tu. name pn of coz la kena ikot pegi pertunangan abg sedare tu.

rs mcm awkward pn ada. sbb kteorg bknnye da tunang ke ape. cuma yela da together 2 years mestila mak die nk ajak kn. hurm sbenanye bende ni pelik sbb kteorg yg patot kawen dlu!hahaha. tp serious xtau mcm mn nk act on that day. kalao dtg sorg2 bole la tolong2 mak die ke. ye sy mmg xtau malu. mak die xde anak pmpuan so sy xtau malu jd anak pmpuan die. haha.

ni dtg ngan family mestila nk teman family. dtg n blk ngan family. kalao rumah dekat bole la suh family blk dlu. ni jauh~sejam lebeh gakla drive. hurm so dtg. ckp2 jap ngan parents die. then mkn. blk?cmtu ke?aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bende kecik pn aku leh kusut!i just want everything to be perfect. x slh kn?yela cube bygkn kalao sesiapa ade ters or kecik ati ke. kn x best. :(

harap2 everything goes well. dpt pegi wedding tu. n keadaan x awkward. insyaAllah.

Sunday, May 2, 2010


yesterday i felt like killing someone.
and i thought who should i ask for help?
the first person that came into my mind.
not my father.
not my mom.
not my brother.

it was Rosmah.
Najib's wife.


I need to be Strong

i don't know what to feel


at one point of ur life, someone u love so much may hurt u.
and at that time, u will be heartless.

u won't feel anything. all u can do is cry until there is no more tears.
the act of crying is not because u r sad.
simply because u don't know how to react.

at least after crying so much u will feel tired and fall asleep.
that's the best u hope for.
even though u cant actually sleep.
u act like u r asleep.
but act to whom?
to urself.
to shut ur brain.
and all those little voices.
who kept telling u to feel angry.
to feel sad.
to feel disappointed.

i refuse to feel anything.
because emotions are for the weak.

i refuse to be weak.
i need to be strong.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Mungkin Tak Perlu Title

Aku ternampak la ade sorg kwn aku ni like group "Wanita melayu islam jangan pakai legging di tempat awam". I'm not here to talk about agama coz kte sebg Islam clearly knows kte mmg kne tutop aurat. So there is no need to debate about that.

But I am curious what is the point of making such page?I see the point if you make pages mcm "Kami suka perempuan tutop aurat" or maybe "Kami suka perempuan pakai jubah"?. You know pages yg menunjukkan ape yg korg suka. Even someone yg x tutop aurat mcm aku ni pn tgk pages cmni rs sejuk hati. Kira x rs marah ke pape la. A good kind of feeling.

Tp pages yg menunjukkan ape yg korg x suke mcm page yg aku ckp kt atas, membuatkn perempuan2 jenis mcm tu akan jauh dr korg. Seblom ni korg kenal ckp 'Hi' semua (kira ade la peluang maybe nk berdakwah ke kn?). Tp bile die tgk korg like page mcm tu. Bukannye die xkn pakai legging da. Bile die jumpe korg pasni ntah2 die buat bodo je sbb die pk, dh ko x suka aku kn?

What i am trying to convey is, its better for u to say what u like rather than saying what u don't like.

Mcm kalao one day kte nampak kwn kte yg x pnah pkai tudung tibe2 pakai tudung utk g one majlis kn. Its better to say "eee ko nampak cantik pakai tudung" rather than "ha kn bagos pakai tudung. selame ni x pakai ntah pape je. x elok langsong".

Even kalao one day isteri kte msk pn. Tibe2 1 hari die msk x sedap. Baik ckp "Eh sy suka awk msk mcm hari tu. sedap!" dr ckp "Eh ape awk msk ni. X sedap!" The result will be the same. Si isteri kn msk sedap lepas tu tp the way u say it is important. Not to hurt someone or push that someone away.

Ble da tolak org tu jauh2, mcm mn la kn nk berdakwah?jgn pk org tu yg lari, maybe secara x sedar anda yg tolak org tu jauh2?tunjuk sgt yg ko x suke, tu yg org tu menjauhkn diri.

so again, i dont see the point of making a page like that then mengutuk2 org dlm page tu. Its better to join yg kami suke perempuan tutup aurat tu and say nice things about perempuan tutup aurat rather than kutuk2 yg x tutup aurat. You are saying perempuan pakai legging ikotkn sgt budaya barat. Korg main facebook tu bukan budaya barat?Ikotkn sgt budaya FB sampai sanggop buat page kutuk2 org instead of going to the real world and berdakwah kt org2 tu secara baik. Yg laki2 x suka pmpuan ikot budaya barat. Korg pakai jersey ada lambang mcm2 tu ape pulak?

Again, better to say something nice rather than something that might hurt people.


Everyone has their weaknesses. I have mine too. Not only one but I have a few. But the most important thing to realize what it is and try to learn and fix it. Life is a journey. A journey to grow wiser. I want to be a better person therefore I want to put away my ego and apologize personally to those I hurt no matter how small the matter might be. Lets GO!

buat ape tunggu hari raya br nk mintak maaf kn?mati esok sape tau

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Why so boring?

setgh org mmg x bole bwk begurau. tibe2 reply cm ayat yg sgt boring. sume org tros x respon da. sbb spoil kot!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Mengarot la Engkau!

Kebelakangan ni byk post maybe because sleeping time da tunggang langgang. Sekarang tdo lambat and bgn pn lambat la kn. hehe. so mlm2 mmg slalu ters nk bebel2 tp since semua org da tdo, nk bebel kt sape lg kn?

tp nk bebel psal ape? :(

kadang2 rs idop da boring. hari2 pn same. try to setelkn keje2 yg tinggal b4 finals. final finals. :D ha tau da nk bebel psal ape...

Td ade sorg kwn cerita2 psal EDX. aku x g EDX td sbb panas sgt. last2 keluar pn g jumpe sv, co-sv, etc2..so sj la tny die dpt medal x sbb sv aku ada ckp die punye projek bagos. tp tekejut jugak bile die ckp die xdpt medal. die even kate sv aku yg mcm tny2 byk soklan. pastu die ckp course EE ade 2 org je dpt gold medal. Course lain average 8 org cmtu dpt gold. Hurm sbb ape jd cmni eh?sbb mmg projek2 dak EE x bekualiti dh ke atau lecturer EE nye expectation tinggi bona?tp serious la aku tgk projek2 diorg (dak EE) cm agak hebat la.

aku rs bile org ckp projek, org lebeh kagum dgn projek yg setelkn mslh dunia. mcm psal environment ke, sumthing2 la. yg impact die nampak besar la. tp mungkin org xphm EE ni mmg bende yg kte x nampak sgt. walaopn projek tu sekadar study, tp sbenanye it is very helpful in EE punye world la kn. mcm contohnye la kn aku tgh buat projek psal program lift. kalao org yg xde pengetahuan langsong pasal EE mesti 1st time jumpe lift kn kagom. wowww hebat tol org wat motor ni ks lift ni gerak atas gerak bwh. tp kte x nampak the difficult part is to program it. nk program 2 level pn susa tau. ape lg menara klcc tu.

tp kalao org luar x nampak x kesah la. we dont mind if our hard work is not seen by other ppl. tp agak sedeh la kalao lecturer sendiri x appreciate. kami ni degree je pn. and dlm 2 sem tula tekedek2 nk blaja software baru la ape la..kalao korg aja kami dr 1st year lain cite la. ok2 xnk jdkn post ni complain pulak. byk sgt post complain2. sj nk bebel psal isu semase :P

ok nk bebel psal ape lg?hurm best tulis2 blog ni ble kte xyah pk sape kn bc. rsnye xde sape pn suke bc2 blog aku sbb aku jarang update. so org cm x aware ngan blog aku..lgpn blog aku x informative..byk bebel je. should start to write something informative kn?tp mmg xtau nk tulis pasal ape. mmg aku ni bkn jenis org berinformasi. ceh!penah tepk nk tulis psal tempat2 menarik tmpt2 holiday kt msia. tp aku bkn kaki bejalan. adela g tp xdela selalu. pnah pk nk tulis psal food. tp...ntahla again xdela kuat sgt bejalan..pastu kalao jln lupe tgkp gamba.. :(

pastu penah tulis psal review blog2 jual2 baju, tudung sume..cm best jugak la..minat..tp cm da mls da nk g save gamba diorg sume. pastu creditkn. tgk post skrg sume writing semate2. xde gamba pn. ahh biala. nk tgk gamba g FB la!dhla tibe2 rs malas n da ckop pjg.

p/s: bile bf aku nk blk ni..die g celebr8 bday kwn die. aaa i miss u aizuddin alif! <3

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Operation Management

Do not laugh if I said this is the subject I fear the most for this semester.
Just did Test 3. Hurm. No words can describe. Won't be surprise if I get 0! ;(

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Kitty Kitty Cat Cat

Studies show that if a cat falls off the 7th floor of a building, it has about 30% less chance of surviving than a cat that falls off the 20th floor. It supposedly takes 8 floors for the cat to realize what is occurring, relax and correct itself.

Does this count for Maru The Cat????